TCG Workshops

It's Your Career! Can You Succeed?
Carrer self assessment and interviewing strategies

Because of Lou's extensive experience in business, recruiting, and consulting, he brings excellent examples to his career workshops and shares what employers look for when seeking to hire college graduates. His personal energy and enthusiasm connect extremely well with college students, and his comprehensive presentation covers all aspects of self marketing and job hunting strategies. Students who have heard Lou speak enjoy his sense of humor and engaging personality style.

Lou covers the following topics in his workshop:

  • Understanding What You Want from Your Career
  • Understanding What a Company Wants When Hiring an Employee
  • Workplace Size and Issues
  • Understanding Your Personality Strengths
  • Understanding Your Skills
  • Developing Your Resume
  • Understanding the Interview Process
  • Interviewing
  • Appearance
  • Salary! What do I ask for?
  • Motivation

Lou brings relevant and meaningful content to his Interviewing Strategies and Self-Assessment workshop through examples, stories and experiences your audience won't soon forget. His emphasis is on communication, which is so important in the business world and in effectively dealing with people.

Lou stresses having a balanced life personally as well as professionally and touches on the importance of spirituality. His presentation style is fast-paced, upbeat, and personable; and he fully engages his audience by fostering two-way communication.

If you have a topic in the area of career development and you think Lou's experience and expertise can help you, please contact us at Transforming Communications Group directly to discuss your topic as Lou can personalize each presentation for each occasion.

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